梁玉儀 LEUNG Yuk Yee Winnie

梁玉儀 中國當代水墨藝術 創作性藝術家


梁玉儀 以其首創之「水流痕」技法, 溶入以中國水墨為題的作品中; 既存承了中國傳統畫作的意蘊, 更讓大家體會到作品中筆法的趣味。 而其 水流痕 技法, 更有百變之身, 祇要能夠掌握適宜, 可有多種不同的效果出現。  

梁玉儀 自幼師從多位水墨名家。前30年學習中國傳統人物山水, 其後十數年涉獵創意美學的技法發掘; 經過多年不斷的試練, 創作出自我藝術風格。 藝術家以其首創之 水流痕 入畫; 賦予大自然間不同的現代感。                                       


清空思緒 , 純然感受 , 感受生命 , 感受生活 , 感受水與墨 , 感受它們交融的一刻。 從一滴墨在紙上自由奔騰開始 , 就像是在尋找自己的氣與靈 ; 留下了水漬 、墨漬 , 卻又是留下了山林樹蹤 , 水流涓涓 ,  水流痕 是也。 

作品為私人藏家, 畫廊, 及畫會所收藏。  


聯絡電郵 :  [email protected]


Winnie Leung

A creative artist of Chinese Contemporary Ink art 

Winnie created the technique of Current Marking allows her artwork to incorporate Chinese ink painting and at the same time inherits the meaning of traditional ones. Current Marking provides the experience of having fun in brushing and the variety of different outcome base on different materials.

Winnie started painting since childhood, and over 40 years studying in Chinese traditional ink painting gave her a solid training, then explored the techniques of creative aesthetics, after years of continuous trials, the artist created her own artistic style.

Winnie enters the gate of ink painting with Current Marking, giving nature a different sense of modernity.

Artworks are collections of private collectors, art associations and galleries.

Contact email: [email protected]


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